Product Description
Celtic Cross Heart Pendant for True & Happy Friendship
Product Code: NLMA01
The ancient symbol of love and affection ornaments a traditional cross design representing the four seasons of the Celtic year and is worn to attract true and happy friendship.
Approximate size: 1" x 1"
Thor's Hammer Pendant for Personal and Psychic Protection
Product Code: NLTH03
Viking God Thor's magical hammer, an invincible weapon of supernatural strength, was worn as a powerful amulet for personal and psychic protection. For Personal and Psychic Protection.
Approximate size: 1.25" x 1.75"
Runic Celtic Cross Pendant for Knowledge and Magical Ability
Product Code: NLCC03
An ancient cross of Celtic origin encircled by Viking runes, the nine stars represent the nine nights Odin hung on the World Tree to learn their secrets. This symbol was worn for knowledge and magical ability.
Approximately 1.5" in diameter.
Eye of the Ice Dragon Pendant for Harmony & Stability
Product Code: NLMA09
The ancient Norse believed the world was created of five elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ice. The Ice Dragon symbolizes their combined energy and is a symbol of harmony and stability.
Approximate size: .50" x 1.25"
Runic Pentagram for Achievement of Desires
Product Code: NLMA12
The magical pentagram encircled and enhanced by potent runes is the traditional amulet of the Nordic magician and is reputed to help achieve the desires of the wearer.
Approximate size: 7/8" x 7/8"
Sea Unicorn Pendant for Love & Courage
Product Code: NLMA14
Two mythical unicorns rise from the sea foam, enchanting with their supernatural beauty and purity. The Sea Unicorn symbolizes a free spirit and represents Love and Courage.
Approximate size: .75" x 1.25"
Sunwheel Pendant for Optimism
Product Code: NLMC03
One of mankind's oldest symbols, the Sun Wheel is the whirling unstoppable power of the sun, shining in splendour and glory, and is said to promote wealth and success.
Approximate size: 1.5" in diameter.
Triskilian Pendant for Progress
Product Code: NLMC04
An ancient universal symbol, the Triskilian is set among three spirals of continual motion. The Isle of Man has adopted this emblem as its own. For Progress.
Approximate size: 1.5" in diameter.
Jewelled Trefot Pendant for Creating Opportunities
Product Code: NLMD05
An ancient universal symbol, the Trefot is set among three spirals of continual motion, which signify the three realms of being, and is said to create opportunities.
Approximate size: 1.5" in diameter.
Jewels of the Moon Pendant for Clairvoyance and Psychic Ability
Product Code: NLMD11
The Moon's phases govern the shamanic magic called Seidr, taught to Odin by Norse goddess Freya, and inspire this charm. For Clairvoyance and Psychic Ability.
Approximate size: 1.5" in diameter.
Celtic Pentagram for Willpower and Success
Product Code: NLMD13
The magical pentagram encircled and enhanced by Celtic knotwork is the traditional amulet of the Celtic magician. For Willpower and Success.
Approximate size: 1.5" in diameter.
Celtic Pentagram for Willpower and Success
Product Code: NLMD13
The magical pentagram encircled and enhanced by Celtic knotwork is the traditional amulet of the Celtic magician. For Willpower and Success.
Approximate size: 1.5" in diameter.
Ring of the Heavens Pendant for Leadership and Advancement
Product Code: NLMD21
The star design shows the eight winds and eight worlds of ancient belief, with our world - Midgard - shining at the center of creation. For Leadership and Advancement.
Approximate size: 1.5" in diameter.
Moon Valknutr Pendant for Realising One's Dreams
Product Code: NLMS05
The Valknutr represents Odin's power, while the lunar symbolism stands for Freya, Norse goddess of magic who taught Odin secret skills. This pendant is worn for realizing one's dreams. For Creating Opportunities.
Approximate size: 1 1/8" in diameter.
Moon Pendant for Inspiration through Dreams
Product Code: NLMT08
The Man in the Moon in Norse myth was Mani, who shone with the light of Not, Viking goddess of the Night. For Beneficial Change and Inspiration through Dreams.
Approximate size: 1" x 1.5"
Dolphin Triskilian Pendant for Guidance & Inner Peace
Product Code: NLMA03
The Dolphins represent harmony and spirituality while the traditional Triskilian design shows the three realms of being. This charm is worn for Guidance and Inner Peace.
Approximate size: 1" x 1"