Product Description
Agate Green Moss Rough Stone 1"-2"
Mineral Information:
Moss agate is a variety of agate that features dendritic inclusions that look like moss or fern-like patterns within the stone. These inclusions are often made up of minerals such as iron or manganese oxide, and are usually green in color, however they can also be brown or black. Moss agate is a type of chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline form of quartz.
Moss Agate has a Mohs Hardness of 6.5-7.
Mineral Care:
Moss agate is generally safe to handle. Consumption and being used in gem waters, especially in the case of rough specimens, is not advised.
Metaphysical Properties:
Moss agate is said to be a stone for grounding, stability, and balance. These are good traits for producing a feeling of calm. It is also thought that moss agate can help with self-expression and communication, as well as to improve spiritual awareness.
No information here is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ailments or afflictions of any kind. One should always consult a medical professional if a serious issue presents itself.