Product Description
Necklace - Chips Stones in Bottle Amazonite w/ Butterfly
Mineral Information:
Named after the Amazon river(where, oddly, it is not found), Amazonite is a green variety of microline, which is a sub-category of the greater feldspar family. Amazonite is rarely translucent, usually opaque, and is generally a cloudy, painterly green. It frequently appears with other variety of feldspar, but even more commonly with smoky quartz, which can create distinctive visual landscapes with the occasional lepidolite and biotite mica.
Category Tectosilicate
Formula (repeating unit) KAlSi3O8
Crystal system Triclinic
Color Green, blue-green
Crystal habit Prismatic
Cleavage Perfect
Fracture Uneven, splintery
Tenacity Brittle
Mohs scale hardness 6-6.5
Luster Vitreous
Streak White
Diaphaneity Translucent, opaque
Specific gravity 2.56-2.58
Refractive index 1.522-1.530
Birefringence -0.008
Pleochroism Absent
Dispersion None
Ultraviolet fluorescence Weak; olive-green
Mineral Care:
Amazonite can contain trace amounts of lead, so contact with water is advised against, though pieces will generally be safe to touch, especially polished ones. For polished jewelry, water and soap is advised when needed for cleaning.
Metaphysical Properties:
Is a communication stone strongly associated with truth and honesty, so it is helpful in conversation or debate.
No information here is intended diagnose, treat or cure ailments or afflictions of any kind. One should always consult a medical professional if a serious issue presents itself.