Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 664427041376 Amber Dragon Thor Hammer by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $50.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 15062 Ankh Of The Dead Necklace by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $50.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 664427041284 Asmodeus Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $58.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 42721 Baphometica Necklace Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $73.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 41995 Black Star Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $28.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 42006 Bouquet of Love Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 1863 Crystal Pentagram Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $19.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 1847 Cult Of Aset Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $27.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 37423 Devil Heart Genereux Necklace by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $72.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 15066 Draconkreuz Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $48.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 4057 Eye Of Providence Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $45.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Details Alchemy of England | sku: 4058 Eye Of The Dragon Pendant by Alchemy MSRP: Now: $66.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 664427041376 Amber Dragon Thor Hammer by Alchemy A classic, ornate and highly intricate amulet of power and protection, fit for a high ranking Saxon or Viking leader/warlord. The head of a Celtic dragon has been sculpted to bite the chain that it hangs from. Celtic knot-work embellishes this hammer... MSRP: Now: $50.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 15062 Ankh Of The Dead Necklace by Alchemy The modern vampyre's talisman of eternity, incorporating its secret life-blood blade inside the symbolic scabbard, engraved with Egyptian hieroglyphs: The Eye of Horus (for good health), Ankh (the triumph of life over death), Djed Pillar (stability), and... MSRP: Now: $50.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 664427041284 Asmodeus Pendant by Alchemy A token amulet to the Norse thunder god, Thor, to wear discretely at all times to ensure protection, strength, healing and fertility. Approximate Dimensions:Width 0.75" x Height 1.50" x Depth 0.24" Chain Length:21" Materials:Fine English Pewter MSRP: Now: $58.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 42721 Baphometica Necklace Pendant by Alchemy Ancient goat skulled deity, whispering wisdom from the lost cults of antiquity. The hermaphroditic hierophant to the subversive seeker of sagacity. A breath-taking statement necklace that will be sure to add dark drama to any attire. A large Baphomet... MSRP: Now: $73.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 41995 Black Star Pendant by Alchemy Supernatural forces leech from the Stygian pentacle, empowering the wearer to initiate and control, even beyond life. Approximate Dimensions: Height: 44mm (1.73") Width: 41mm (1.61") Depth: 4mm (0.16") Chain Length: 21" Materials: Fine English Pewter,... MSRP: Now: $28.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 42006 Bouquet of Love Pendant by Alchemy A passionate symbol of devotion from the heart of a dark one. Approximate Dimensions: H: 40mm (1.57") W: 37mm (1.46") D: 5mm (0.2") Chain Length: 18" Materials: Fine English Pewter with Swarovksi Crystals MSRP: Now: $25.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 1863 Crystal Pentagram Pendant by Alchemy Crystal-set, magical star of protection. A sparkling protective pendant for any occasion A small pewter pentagram pendant set with a single red Swarovski crystal. See complementary Bracelet (A37) & Earrings (E164) Approximate... MSRP: Now: $19.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 1847 Cult Of Aset Pendant by Alchemy The original, Greek name of the great, Egyptian and universal mother and kingship goddess, eventually to become known in the Old Kingdom as Isis-Hathor, the mother of both Horus and his four sons. The cult is represented by the original horned,... MSRP: Now: $27.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 37423 Devil Heart Genereux Necklace by Alchemy Saint or sinner? Love, passion and lustful desire are as one to the vital and vivacious spirit. A giant, transparent red enamel heart is at the center of this polished pewter necklace, horned and surrounded by devil's tails and studded with white... MSRP: Now: $72.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 15066 Draconkreuz Pendant by Alchemy Symbol of the obscure, Medieval, mystic order and holders of arcane and ancient magical powers. A dramatic jeweled piece that's a real head turner. A pewter cross pendant enveloped by a dragon and set with four red Swarovski crystals. Approximate... MSRP: Now: $48.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 4057 Eye Of Providence Pendant by Alchemy The all-seeing eye of God watching over you, accented by the cosmic influence of the moon to energize your spiritual growth. For over two hundred years the Eye has remained a keystone of the Freemason's symbology. A pewter pyramid triangle set with a... MSRP: Now: $45.00 Add to Cart Compare
Quick view Alchemy of England | sku: 4058 Eye Of The Dragon Pendant by Alchemy The penetrating stare of this fire-eyed lacertilia of chaos would burn straight through the most formidable opponent to defiantly face it. A large, polished pewter, spread-eagled dragon pendant with a deep red-pupiled Swarovski crystal eye set at its... MSRP: Now: $66.00 Add to Cart Compare