Product Description
Diopside Medium Tumbled Stone
Mineral Information:
Diopside is a mineral that belongs to the pyroxene group. It is a calcium magnesium silicate with the chemical formula CaMgSi₂O₆. Diopside gets its name from the Greek words "di," meaning two, and "opsis," meaning vision or appearance, referring to its strong pleochroism, where it can exhibit two different colors when viewed from different angles.
Diopside occurs in a variety of colors, including green, white, gray, brown, and rarely, colorless. The most common variety is chrome diopside, which has a vibrant green color due to the presence of chromium impurities. Other notable varieties include black diopside (also known as "star diopside" due to asterism) and violane, a deep blue variety.
Diopside is a widespread mineral found in various geological settings. It is commonly found in metamorphic rocks, especially those formed under high-pressure conditions, such as eclogite and blueschist. It can also occur in some igneous rocks, including basalts and kimberlites.
Mineral Care:
Diopside is considered a relatively fragile gemstone compared to some other popular gemstones. Here are a few factors that contribute to its fragility:
Hardness: Diopside has a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. While this is not extremely low, it is still softer than gemstones like sapphire or diamond, which have higher hardness ratings. The lower hardness makes diopside more susceptible to scratching, chipping, and abrasion from everyday wear and handling.
Cleavage: Diopside exhibits distinct cleavage, meaning it has specific planes along which it may break more easily. Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to split along smooth, flat surfaces. Diopside has two prominent cleavage planes, which can make it prone to breakage if it experiences a significant impact or force in the wrong direction.
Sensitivity to Heat and Chemicals: Diopside is sensitive to sudden temperature changes and thermal shock. Extreme temperature variations, such as exposing diopside to high heat followed by rapid cooling, can cause fractures or even complete breakage. Additionally, certain chemicals, acids, and even household cleaning agents can damage or dissolve diopside, so it's essential to avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals.
Internal Inclusions: Diopside specimens may contain inclusions or internal flaws, such as fractures, veils, or inclusions of other minerals. These inclusions can weaken the overall structure of the gemstone, making it more susceptible to breakage or damage.
To minimize the risk of damaging diopside gemstones, it is advisable to handle them with care. Avoid exposing them to extreme temperature changes, harsh chemicals, or abrasive surfaces. It is recommended to store diopside jewelry separately from other gemstones to prevent scratching and to periodically clean them gently with mild soapy water and a soft brush.
Metaphysical Properties:
Diopside activates the heart chakra which is affiliated with love, compassion, and relationships. It is thought to help open the heart chakra and to assist in deepening connections and promoting harmonious relationships with others. Diopside is affiliated with spiritual growth and transformation, it fosters an alignment with the higher self. This can help one discover their true purpose. Diopside is thought to promote healing and vitality and to deepen the connection to nature and the natural world. It is said to increase the bond between humans and the Earth.
No information here is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ailments or afflictions of any kind. One should always consult a medical professional if a serious issue presents itself.