Product Description
Calcite Optical Freeform 7.5"x3.5" | 2034grams
Mineral Information:
Optical calcite, also known as Iceland spar, is a form of calcite mineral that has the unique property of double refraction, meaning it can split a single ray of light into two separate beams. This is due to the crystal structure of the mineral, which allows light to pass through in two different directions, each with a different refractive index.
When a piece of optical calcite is placed over a written word or image, the image appears doubled due to the double refraction effect. This property has made optical calcite a valuable tool in polarizing microscopes, navigation instruments, and even during World War II for identifying the position of enemy planes.
Optical calcite can be found in various colors, including clear, white, gray, yellow, green, blue, and brown. It has a Mohs hardness rating of 3, making it a relatively soft mineral that can be easily scratched or chipped.
Mineral Care:
Optical calcite, like other forms of calcite, has a Mohs hardness rating of 3, which makes it relatively soft and vulnerable to scratches, chips, and fractures. Therefore, it is considered a fragile mineral and should be handled with care to avoid damage.
Additionally, the unique property of double refraction in optical calcite is dependent on its crystal structure. If the crystal structure is disturbed or broken, the double refraction effect will be lost. Therefore, optical calcite should be protected from impacts, pressure, and extreme temperature changes to prevent any damage to the crystal structure.
Metaphysical Properties:
One of Optical Calcites most notable properties is its ability to enhance clarity and insight, both in thought and communication. It is thought to stimulate the intellect, increase mental clarity, and help with decision-making by providing a clearer view of options and possibilities.
Optical calcite is also said to have a calming and soothing effect on emotions, promoting inner peace and reducing stress and anxiety. It is believed to be beneficial for those who feel stuck in negative patterns, helping to break them and bring a sense of renewal and growth.
No information here is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ailments or afflictions of any kind. One should always consult a medical professional if a serious issue presents itself.