Product Description
Ammonite Fossil Rainbow 1"
Mineral Information:
Ammonites are one of the most widely known fossils of an extinct mollusk called ammoniods They became extinct 65 million years ago. The name ammonite comes from the god Ammon, who had spiral ram horns and was originally an Ethiopian or Libyan deity that later was worshipped all over Egypt and parts of Greece. Ammonite fossils are most commonly brown and grey, though they can come in all sorts of colors and sizes. Ammonite fossils form when ammonoids died and their shells became embedded in sand or silt. The shell was protected from damage over time due to the forming layers. As the layers formed and created pressure on the shell, mineral-rich water would seep into the chambers and eventually crystallize into the rock-like fossil we find today. Ammonite can sometimes end up with a rainbow-like sheen on the surface, opalized or pyritized.
Category fossilized, mineralized Ammonite shell
Formula (repeating unit) CaCO3 aragonite polymorph, with minor amounts of calcite, pyrite, silica, and other impurities
Color Gray to brown, can be radiant blue, with primarily red to green iridescence.
Cleavage no true cleavage
Fracture uneven to granular
Mohs scale hardness 3.5 - 4.5
Luster greasy to dull
Specific gravity usually about 2.70 (varies with mineral content)
Polish luster vitreous
Optical properties anomalous aggregate reaction
Refractive index usually 1.52 - 1.68 (varies with mineral content)
Birefringence 0.135 - 0.145
Pleochroism none
Ultraviolet fluorescence variable
Mineral Care:
Ammonites are mpt very durable and need to be treated gently, only lightly washing in warm water and storing them in a soft, protective case.
Metaphysical Properties:
Ammonite is a fossil that displays Fibonacci Spiral. This fossil encourages problem solving and survival instincts. It relaxes and protects, and promotes stability and structure. Ammonite is good for anyone working with sacred geometry
Their spiral shapes are also symbols of change and positive motion. The spiral draws in negative energy, filtering it through the chambers and releasing fresh, positive energy. This energy connection is used by those wishing to activate Kundalini energy. The primal energy that is at the base of the spine and the life force source. (aka Shakti) Due to their age Ammonites are associated with ancient knowledge.
No information here is intended diagnose, treat or cure ailments or afflictions of any kind. One should always consult a medical professional if a serious issue presents itself.