Product Description
Amethyst Chevron Palm Stone priced by weight in grams
AKA: The Sobriety Stone
The Chevron variation of Amethyst features white Quartz banding alongside the purple amethyst.
Mineral Information:
Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The name comes from the Koine Greek αμέθυστος amethystos from α- a-, "not" and μεθύσκω (Ancient Greek) methysko / μεθώ metho (Modern Greek), "intoxicate", a reference to the belief that the stone protected its owner from drunkenness. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. Until the 18th century, amethyst was included in the cardinal, or most valuable, gemstones (along with diamond, sapphire, ruby, and emerald), but since the discovery of extensive deposits in locations such as Brazil, it has lost most of its value. It is now considered a semiprecious stone. Amethyst is often used in jewelry and is the traditional birthstone for February.
Category Silicate mineral
Formula (repeating unit) Silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2)
Crystal system Trigonal
Crystal class Trapezohedral (32)
Space group P3221 (no. 154)
Color Purple, violet, dark purple
Crystal habit 6-sided prism ending in 6-sided pyramid (typical)
Twinning Dauphine law, Brazil law, and Japan law
Cleavage None
Fracture Conchoidal
Mohs scale hardness 7–lower in impure varieties
Luster Vitreous/glassy
Streak White
Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent
Specific gravity 2.65 constant; variable in impure varieties
Optical properties Uniaxial (+)
Refractive index nω = 1.543–1.553 nε = 1.552–1.554
Birefringence +0.009 (B-G interval)
Pleochroism Weak to moderate purple/reddish purple
Melting point 1650±75 °C
Solubility Insoluble in common solvents
Other characteristics Piezoelectric
Mineral Care:
Chevron Amethyst has a good hardness at 7, and handling it with proper care will prevent any damage to the stone. Amethyst is sensitive to strong heat and may lose or change its colour when exposed to prolonged heat or light. Polishing the stone or cleaning it by ultrasonic or steamer must be done with caution.
Metaphysical Properties:
Chevron Amethyst is great for healing, can aid in creativity, helps with addiction, and is good for meditation and spiritual experiences. It can assist in improving psychic abilities.
Chakra: Third Eye
No information here is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ailments or afflictions of any kind. One should always consult a medical professional if a serious issue presents itself.