Product Description
78 Tarot Magical Deck w/Book Ltd Ed by 78 TArot
What do you get when the creators behind your project are life-long fantasy, RPG and gaming geeks?
A tarot deck where the Fool’s journey turns into an adventurous crusade, and needs legendary treasures and items to help them…
The 78 Tarot Project excitedly returns to our 9th Limited Edition collaborative art tarot deck, but also our debut companion oracle!
We present to you 78 Tarot Magical, Tarot of the Fantastical, a beautiful deck, plus The Fool’s Items Oracle, a gorgeous oracle deck, combined into one huge project involving a host of 136 global artists.
This includes a 256 page guidebook in full color with all card images, and contains a description and card meaning by our author, Trish Sullivan. It is soft cover and is we have upgraded the size to 8 by 6 inches this year. The cover is gilded with bronze foil to accent the art.