Product Description
Agate Blue Rough Stones Dyed
Mineral Information:
Blue agate is a kind of agate that is distinguished by its blue color, which can range from pale blue to deep, rich shades of blue. Agate is a microcrystalline variety of quartz, and is often found in volcanic and metamorphic rocks.
Blue agate often has banding patterns or other inclusions, which can form interesting and unique visual effects. Blue agate can also be found in a variety of colors, such as white, gray, and brown. Blue Agate has a Mohs Hardness of 6.5 to 7.
Mineral Care:
Blue agate is generally safe to handle. Consumption and being used in gem waters, especially in the case of rough specimens, is not advised.
Blue agate is relatively durable and has a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7, which means it can withstand moderate wear and tear. However, like all gemstones, it is not indestructible and can still chip, scratch, or break if subjected to enough force or pressure. Care should be taken to avoid exposing it to extreme temperature changes, harsh chemicals, and rough handling.
Metaphysical Properties:
Blue Agate is said to possess calming and soothing qualities. It is believed that it promotes tranquility and inner peace, and to aid in allowing people to let go of negative emotions and stress. It is also believed to aid with communication and self-expression, assisting people to express their truth clearly with confidence.
No information here is intended to diagnose, treat or cure ailments or afflictions of any kind. One should always consult a medical professional if a serious issue presents itself.